
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Sunday, December 5

New York Garment District

This was a very interesting shop.  It was full of beautiful laces. Unbelievable laces.  No French Val or Maline lace as used on children's clothing.  But if I was making a Wedding Gown, I would head to New York!

I made my way in and out of many different fabric stores as well as trim stores.  The fabric stores are mostly for fancy dress, adult  or costume rather than children.  But if you were willing to do some digging, you could find things.  This area is the place to go if you sew for yourself or your teen or adult daughters.  I couldn't help designing prom type dresses in my head for my daughters who are beyond needing prom dresses at this point.    And I didn't even begin to go in all the shops.

This fabric will make you want to sew for yourself!

I had to come here!

 Who has not heard of Spechler-Vogel fabrics?
Home of Imperial Batiste as well as the really good stuff!
Wholesale only.
I have ordered from them for years and wanted to see  beyond the telephone! 

I love maps!
This interesting map was hanging on their office wall. It seems to be used for a dart board!
I met Mr Vogel  and for those of you who have talked to him on the phone - he is exactly the same in person!  But  he took the time to talk to me about lots of things totally unrelated to fabric  and I found him interesting and friendly.  

Louisiana is, of course, on the map!
He did not want me to take pictures.  And I had to leave and come back twice before he let me order fabric.  

Taped to the office wall.  I love this old magazine page.
He did finally allow me (the second time I came back) to take the pictures you see here.
Thank you Mr Vogel.  

These are rolls of Nelona Swiss Batiste.

And every roll has between 40 to 60 yards on the bolt.  I think they go through it rapidly.

But I have inside (bad) news - The price of fabric is going up again as the amount they pay goes up.  Something about China and commodities that I totally did not understand but he was quite upset about it.

So, don't put off the purchase of Swiss Nelona Batiste,  as it will only become more expensive.

And Nelona Swiss Batiste is a staple in Heirloom Sewing!

That's all for now.
From New York,
Jeannie, girl reporter

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2010 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Oh wow! VERY interesting blog post Jeannie! I got a lil giggle on the comment about not taking pics and having to leave and come back twice before Mr. Vogel would allow you to order fabric! LOL!
    LOVE the pics, especially the American Clothes for American Women!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. How wonderful to go to New York and the fabric stores!!! I've never been to New York and I probably would be totally crazy to see the fabric and lace. Would never get through touching everything.

  3. Yes, speaking with Mr. Vogel is always an experience. I bet meeting him was even more interesting! I am so thankful for him, the company, and the fabric they provide for our art. I am also thankful you convinced him to take a few photographs. Thanks!

  4. Oh, I wish I'd known about this when I visited NYC in 2003! My focus was on meeting friends though and it never even occured to me to look for something like this. Wow! Thank you for posting the bits and pieces!


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