
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Sunday, February 14

Valentines and Jeannie's Scone Recipe

Jeannie's Scone Recipe - My Friend stitched this for me to hang on my Kitchen wall.
I love it!

Here is how I make them:

Sift first four ingredients (the dry stuff) in to a cute bowl.

Use pastry cutter to cut in REAL butter.

Will look like this when butter is cut in.

Add 1/2 cup of  something to dry mix.  Suggestions are 1. Chocolate Chunks (and  1/2  cup of Almonds),  2. dried Cranberries, 3. dried Currents if you can find the tiny ones (I have been searching but can't find them), 4. Any nuts you like

Mix the milk and egg and 1 tsp Almond extract together and pour into dry mixture.

Mix with a fork until just mixed together.

Then plop onto wax paper that has been lavishly sprinkled with flour and gently knead 12 times.

Pat dough to be about 1/2" high.

Cut with scone cutters.  Scone  cutters are cookie cutters that  do not have a top on them.

Spray Pam on the Seasoned (ie - old) cookie sheet and put scones on the sheet about 1" apart.  Sprinkle with sugar.  Use regular white sugar and colored too, if you want.  Almonds are optional.

Serve warm on a pretty plate and share with a good friend.

My Valentine
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
Of bird song at morning and starshine at night.
I will make a palace fit for you and me,
Of green days in forests
And blue days at sea.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Love, Jeannie

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2016 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Thank you so much. The cute mixing bowl is so important for proper mixing. This will go into my special cookbook.

  2. Happy Valentine's Day! I think I may have to make those! They look delicious.

  3. I have always wanted an easy scone recipe... thanks for sharing! Happy Valentines Day to You!

  4. Thank you.
    That is a wonderful valentine gift. I love scones!

  5. They are so good! I made heart shaped scones with cranberries and almonds and apples this morning. I even messed up and put too much milk, but I just added more flour and they still turned out great.

  6. I just made your scones to go with dinner and they were delicious!! I finally remembered to buy the buttermilk today and I'm glad I did. I used craisins, but I wondered if you have ever tried it with fresh blueberries (or would they be too wet?) Thanks for the recipe, Jeannie!


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24