
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Wednesday, December 23

Merry Christmas London - Post 2

The stage of Phantom of The Opera

Top on the list of Things To Do:
Theatre  and the Ballet.

This photo doesn't begin to show how beautiful it was.

Phantom of the Opera

This is a picture of the famed Chandelier that crashes (not really but it did look like it) onto the stage of the "Opera".

Her Majesty's Theater was beautiful.  In my opinion the beauty of the theatre enhances the play.

And this performance was amazing.  AMAZING!!

Wonderful singing, special effects. It was great!

The Nutcracker Ballet

I was so excited to see the Nutcracker performed by the Royal Ballet.  The Royal Opera House was wonderful, the costumes and the stage sets were totally the most beautiful I have ever seen.  This production was pretty.  But…the principle dancers seemed to be having an off day.  A bit disappointing.

Even so…it was a wonderful Ballet.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  was a last minute decision.  Amber and I  loved both Willie Wonka movies and the play was really good too.

Oh My Gosh!!

I can not begin to express how wonderful the British production of this play is.

Les Miserables

Absolutely worth flying to London to see.

The Queen's Theatre was also stunning.

I wish people still "dressed up" for theatre like they used to.
I can imagine how fancy everyone looked in years past.

It would suit this lovely place.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2015 Jeannie Baumeister

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely time you must have had! When did you go? When we went to London last fall we went to the Globe Theatre, just wonderful!


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sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24