
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Wednesday, February 3

My February Week of Sewing - Day2

We will be stitching on this heavenly pink handkerchief Linen.

I worked on my class for Farmhouse Fabric in March.
And I was busy!

I determined how much fabric I needed when using 60" wide Linen.
…so I can start on my kits.

I stitched this lovely lace to the hem of my dress.

AND…..this took some time.

I determined which color floss I would use for the embroidery.

After auditioning two different stitches, I decided which stitch I would use for ONLY ONE of the stitches on the yoke design.

I decided how many strands of the floss I needed to get the right look for that stitch.
(I did this by trying each stitch…see above…using one strand and two)

I tried different needles to see which one worked best for this stitch and this fabric.

I worked the stitch over and over and over (the pic above is not all my stitches) to see how big the stitch needed to be.

I worked the stitch over and over to find out the right tension for this stitch and this fabric.

I worked this stitch over and over to see the difference it might make using different methods to tie onto the fabric.

I worked the stitch over and over and over again using different combinations of the above.

And after stitching all the combinations above to be sure….I found the right color floss, the right stitch, the right number of strands of floss, the right needle, the correct tension, the method that worked best for attaching the floss to the fabric.

And whew! I was mentally tired.

So I went to my quilting neighbors house….

…and worked on my Peter Rabbit Baby Blanket which I am quilting.

No decisions to make.  Just the same old Running Stitch over and over.

And chatted about absolutely nothing remotely important to world affairs!

And it was a nice day.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2015 Jeannie Baumeister

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of work! It will be beautiful, like all of your things.


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