
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Tuesday, July 5

A Week of Sewing - Day 3

Almost constructed.

I drew on a design for Featherstitching but….I dont' think I like it.  Because I decided to put the Swiss Trim along one side only, it makes the embroidery design seem off center.

See the completed daygown below and you will see what I mean.

Having the trim on both sides of the facing makes everything look centered.

 Back to the drawing board.

 I do like the trim along one side.  

And I like the floss woven through the entredeux edge of the trim. I used four strands of floss.

And I like the little buttons stitched on with blue embroidery floss.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2015 Jeannie Baumeister

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