
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Tuesday, September 8

Lesson 2: Prepare your fabric.

The first thing we need to do is prepare the fabric. I pretreat the fabric before cutting it out. This means that I "Treat" the fabric before it is sewn, in the same way it will be cared for as a garment. You should always find out the fabric care when you purchase your fabric. As a general rule, cottons are machine wash and dryable.

I will wet my cotton Lawn in HOT water.

Then, I will put it in the dryer with a clean dry bath towel and set the dryer on high. I do this because once you give the garment away, you have no idea who will be washing it or how they will do it. Even the daughter who lovingly cares for all the garments you make for your Grandchildren, might have a sweet husband who decides to help her with the laundry one day. Yikes!!

 It doesn't take long for the fabric to dry. The towel absorbs the moisture quickly. I set my timer to see how long it took this fabric to dry and inside of 5 minutes it was way dry.

Next, iron your fabric if you want. If you haven't overdryed your fabric, you usually can just remove it from the dryer and smooth it out.
Next Lesson - Lay out and cut your fabric.


  1. Great tip, Jeannie, on the pre-treating of the fabrics.

  2. Jeannie I LOVED the drying tip! Do you have a tip for the 3 hard-boiled eggs that are now all over my ceiling, cupboards, floor, drainboards!!!! Love your new blog! Cheryl


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