
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Tuesday, October 13

Something Nifty!!

Cute little Baby Sewing Ham!!
I love this nifty little Sewing Ham.  It is perfect for pressing baby things.  It fits right inside the sleeve, making it easy to press the seam.  And the fabric is so pretty.

  Tiny Sewing Ham fits right inside a baby sleeve.
This was a special gift.  Just for me!!  And just for Everyone who attended the Smocking Arts Guild of America 2009 National Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.  They were made by the Mitten State Smockers.  Thank you Mitten State Smockers!!  I love mine!!


  1. Wow, Your mini Ham matches your ironing board! The one I got was made from a button print fabric.

    I just love it.~janet

  2. How sweet! One of my favorite parts of convention is the lunch favors. I'm really sorry I missed this one.

  3. Yes, my little ham does go very well with my new ironing board cover! Kathy, You did miss a good convention. Lunch favors are fun. It's like the little SAGA fairy came while we were in class and left us a surprise!


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24