
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Wednesday, December 9

My First Orchid

My First Orchid.
It may also be my last.  I am a haphazard gardener at best.  Most things in my garden thrive on neglect, so we just might not be compatible.  I have kept it alive for two weeks.  So far, so good!
I was inspired by  a post on the website Pleasant View Schoolhouse.  Everything she does looks so easy. 

One day, as I was again looking at all the beautiful Orchids at the grocers and feeling inspired but skeptical, a lady stopped to tell me  how her grocery store Orchid was thriving and had outgrown it's pot several times.  I took it as a sign and bought one.  She told me to soak it once a week on Sunday(food included) and twice a week when in bloom.  No problem!

I already missed the first feeding. When I did remember to feed it, it wasn't a Sunday but I thought I best not wait!  This is why I breastfed all my children.  Feedings were easy and you never forget!  We shall see.

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