
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Tuesday, May 25

White Wednesday - I love Old Pillow Cases

I love beautiful old pillowcases. 
 I love to see them on my bed.  I love to sleep on them.
Click on pictures to enlarge!
I love the White on White ones!
And I am in love with this one.  I love the shaped edges with a little bit of crochet between them.
There is beautiful eyelet and satin embroidery on these.
  And hand crocheted edging all around them.
Beautiful white crochet edging.  
And soft colored embroidery.  I love to iron my pillow cases.
Roses embroidered on this pillow case.  
I love Roses.  
Close up of the daisies on the Rose Pillowcase.
I use a scented water when I iron.
Blue is my favorite color.  So I am very fond of these.
Every crocheted edging is different!
Back to White on White.
These were a happy find!
Beautiful Embroidery!
I love the large eyelets.  And I love the tiny scallops along the pillow case edge.
All hand worked!  And so soft to sleep on.

This is my White Wednesday post with Faded Charm.  Check with them to see other white beauties!


  1. I love linens and yours are so lovely. I like to iron linens, too, I think it is relaxing.

  2. These are so beautiful, I think the white on white is my favorite and they are in such immaculate condition!

  3. I love old vintage pillowcases as well!!! Your blog looks wonderful and I am going to become a follower as I do so love to sew!
    Happy WW!

  4. those are all gorgeous...thanks for sharing!!!

  5. Your vintage linens are just gorgeous! I love them too and have several sets of pillowcases similar to yours, that I enjoy using! I have a bunch of linens that I've picked up over the years from yard & garage sales for next to nothing, and my mom has given me some really pretty ones, too. You have inspired me to get out more of mine to enjoy, rather than hide in a drawer!

  6. Oh, so lovely, where ever do you find so many? I adore old linens.

  7. I'm partial to the white on white embroidery, too. What a good idea to use scented water when you iron!


  8. Embroidered linens are so cheery aren't they? Makes me happy just to look at them. You have such a nice collection. Thanks for sharing. Jacqueline

  9. I love old linens too! Love the embroidery!

  10. You certainly have a beautiful collection of linens, I love all the beautiful detail in each one.
    Have a sweet day!

  11. Those are all beautiful. When I got to flea markets, I search for old linens, and I've found a few cutwork pieces that I love. My mom left me a couple of embroidered scarves that I cherish.

  12. I'm with you on the love for pillowcases thing! I have several, well really more than several. I love to incorporate them into little dresses for my grands.

  13. Oh I do love them too. I have some that my grandmother made for her hope chest in the 30s. Sadly, I have mended and mended them, and they are really starting to fall apart. But I love to sleep on them and do not want to retire them. Sigh....
    I may need to go antiquing and see what treasures I can find!

  14. Beautiful! The fact that they are so old and in such good condition is wonderful! I love anything for babies!

  15. How beautiful your White Wednesday entries are, Jeannie! I can remember my grandmother doing handwork just like these on pillowcases. I so wish I would have taken the time to learn it all from her. I did learn to crochet at an early age & have since paid big bucks to teachers to learn how to smock & picture smock & do shadow work, too. I wish I could do it better!

  16. My sister and I grew up sleeping on hand embroidered pillowcases with crocheted edging. There were kitty cats, pink lambs and many beautiful ladies with crocheted skirts. After my mother died, we found close to 40 of them in a linen closet. We had no idea they were still in existence. Many of the pillowcases were rotted or torn, so we started cutting off the pillowcase above the designs and framing them. I have around 15hanging in my house - a grouping of 4 above my bed, some hanging in the bathrooms and even above doors. They truly are a treasure and make me think of my grandmother and the love she stitched in each of these. I love them.

  17. MMmmmm mmmm ! They are deliciously beautiful! I love your site~so pretty and your work is fabulous! I am off to check out your garden!
    Thanks for sharing on White Wednesday!
    p.s. Strider is quite the handsome fellow! ;~P

  18. Oh Jeannie! Those are gorgeous!!! I am a lover and collector of vintage linens and I love that you shared your's on your blog!

  19. I love old pillowcases too, maybe because my mother always used them on my bed as a kid, whether my grandmother embroidered them or she picked them up at a flea market. These are very pretty, can I ask what you use to make scented water?

  20. I have enjoyed your comments so much. I seem to have alot of kindred spirits out there!!

    I use a lavender scented spray that I buy. You can get it at Linen shops or Bed, Bath and Beyond. But...I am going to try my hand at making rose water from my roses. I will let you know how that turns out!!

  21. OMGosh, I love embrodered and crocheted pillowcases. I had embroidered 12 pair and my mother crocheted around them, for myself when I got married. I sure do miss having them. I expecially love the white on white ones you have. Do you sale them?

    come visit

  22. Sale them? No but I buy them and will resue them from anyone with scissors!!! Ha Ha!!


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