
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Saturday, July 24

The Amazing Jeannie and Her Wonderful Morning!

I had a wonderful morning! 
 I had coffee and read the paper in my garden.  Then cut back some unruly plants and picked my (currently) favorite Rose along with a few others.
I put new sheets on my bed, complete with freshly ironed old Pillowcases.
  Embroidered, of course.
I vacumed the carpets and cleaned the kitchen. Put in a load of wash.
 And made French Toast for Breakfast.
I spent time training Strider, who was a willing subject.  Most of the time.

I sat and read  a couple chapters in the book of Isaiah, which I am excited to be studying in the fall with Bible Study Fellowship.
I sat and stitched down the front facing on my current project.  A Daygown, no surprise!!

And all this by 9:30 am!!  I was , myself, amazed!!

 It had something to do with a malfunctioning house alarm that sent a piercing wail through my household at 5:30 am.  I was not only awake, but totally alert!  But I don't recommend it on a regular basis.

The best part is ....   it is only 9:30 am and I have the day before me.  Sewing!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2009 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Wow! I don't think I could have been that productive after getting shaken out of bed. LOL Love your daygowns.

  2. I wish I could take after you! Wow! You've got it all figure out. Can't wait to see the new gown.

    Love to you and Happy Pink Saturday~


  3. Jeannie...I too was up at 5am...weeding in the garden in the morning dawn..and it contineus...I am now starting some stitching..too hot to be outside. We are frying up here!! What an inspiration you are...time to stitch! (((hug))) Karin

  4. Sounds like a wonderful morning to me....just started a little too early for my liking. Thanks for sharing with us!!!

  5. Whew! I was just wondering what time you got up when I read what happened. I think...being Saturday and I work Mon-Fri, 8-5....I would have found a way to go back sleep at 5:30. But then I would not have accomplished what you did. I was just getting up when you posted this...and yes, we are in the same time zone.

    Gongrats on making such wonderful use of your time. I wasted mine sleeping, but I needed it.

  6. Laughing as I had that type of day today. Up by 5:30 and by 9:30 was in a town 2 hours away after the first shopping trip. I would have rather been sewing...


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24