
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Saturday, July 17

Sewing/Designing My Daygown

 I am working on the yoke designs that will go in the pattern. All the daygowns I have been making  might look alike to you but they aren't .  Evey time I move a tuck, it changes the way the finished garment will look.  This daygown has lace insertion between the tucks.
This is the daygown I showed you two posts ago while stitching on my porch.  My Friend showed me how she bastes the facing down and then slips the lace under the loose edge.  I like this method and it is shown in the photo above and below.   I used a large pin to scootch it under the facing, then stitch down the facing and lace at the same time. 
This is the beginning and you can see the basting threads.
 I like it except  the basting threads leave a big hole and don't come out easily.  Next time, I will use a longer machine basting stitch or take long basting stitches by hand. And will use fine thread for basting.
Basting stitches removed, lace on the right stitched in place and buttonholes are done.
I am using a MOP Shank button.  Babies should sleep on their back  so the buttons  will not be uncomfortable stitched on their front.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2009 Jeannie Baumeister

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I WANT to do this class in cyberspace. Alas, I will be in hospital for surgery at the time. But, following along with the blog will be my big treat as I lie around recovering. I read every day, and your blog is like having a good friend and cup of tea here alllllll the time.
    Thanks, Jeannie!!!


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