
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Sunday, August 1

Girl Time!

Girls are wearing the dresses they made.
Two of my Granddaughters spent a couple of days with me.
I had activities planned, including sewing! 
 They chose their fabric and I devised the pattern.
Super Model poses!
Purple Floral on left  and tiny Red Poka Dots on the right.
They embellished their hems with large Ric Rac.  Very Cute.  
Made Chocolate Chip Scones.
Had a Tea Party.  Each of us chose our  own Tea Pot.
We did Bible Study.
We also had games with prizes and put together a puzzle.
And a  trip to the Bookstore for books to read.
They made Spegetti for Dinner.  Very good too!
It's handy to have little girls around!
And made Snickerdoodle Cookies.
(you can see the red dot fabric better here - on the left)
Another Tea Party the next day! 
 Different dishes, of course. 
 But one Teapot was popular and was invited to the party both days!

Little Angels in my Garden!!
We had such a good time!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2010 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Such a sweet post. It looks like you had a good time!

  2. Jeannie, Your angels are absolutely darling. It must be so nice that they are close enough to visit for the day. The dresses look nice and cool for sticky summer days. My little angel is coming in two weeks - I can't wait!

  3. Oh what fun!!! You are one VERY blessed grandma! Their dresses are darling - what a joy to have your grand-daughters there to share in your love for sewing, cooking and tea parties!

  4. Aren't Grandauthers just the best Tea Time Guests? ;-)

  5. What a fun visit! I love the dresses they made for themselves. I have NEVER met Miah, if you can imagine. I need to plan a trip to visit.

  6. What a wonderful time everyone had! They girls are a blessing to you and you are a blessing to them! They will remember the time spent with you all their lives!

  7. So Sweet!!! Looks like you all had a wonderful time. If you ever need a stand-in grandchild for one of these fun sessions you can borrow ME!! (I am 30, is that too old?)

  8. Looks like a good time was had by all! Kathy


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sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24