
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Tuesday, January 25

Lavender and a Stitching Sample Made Good!!

The Lavender smells heavenly!
My sister gave me a lovely Sachet and a bag full of Lavender!

I love the pink Roses and the blue Shadow Embroidery.
She made the Sachet from a sample she stitched prior to making a dress for her Daughter. 

 It is always a good idea to make a sample before stitching your garment.  That way you are sure the design and color are just what you want. And it gives you a chance to practice your embroidery stitches too.

This is the tag that was attached to the Sachet. 
Wow!! She stitched it 22 years ago!!

It would make a cute class project.

This is an excellent use of Class Samples or even projects you have begun but don't want to finish.  Just salvage  the pretty parts!

This is such a cute little tag!

I must ask her if she made it!  My guess is ...Yes.
I love it!!
My birthday Paperwhite is beginning to open.

It's important to have flowers in the house in the winter.
They are very cheerful!

Each day has it's sunrise.
joan walsh anglund

Join me for White Wednesday with Faded Charm.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. The sachet is absolutely darling - what a great keepsake! LOVE the paperwhite - Happy White Wednesday - Tanya

  2. Love lavender ... can smell it from here ... thanks for sharing!

  3. The sachet is SO sweet and your little baby clothes are precious! I just did a post on vintage baby clothes, and sewing baby clothes today is truly a lost art!

  4. What beautiful delicate handiwork. Very special treasure. Lavender is so calming. I have many projects planned with mine, but have not done them yet!!!

  5. Jeannie,
    You are right, it makes a great class. Hope you don't mind me borrowing it to teach a class. Perfect beginner project.

  6. Jan, have fun with it! It will make a great class!


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24