
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Friday, February 4

National Smocking Month

                                  I have been hearing that  it is "National Smocking Month!

I think this is a wonderful thing!  I love smocking.

But the fact finder in me just had to say "Who says it's National Smocking Month", anyway?

So, I googled it and found some very alarming news!  There are OUT CRIES to BAN Public Smocking in at least one foreign country...Ban Smocking!  To Quote "Government Urged to Ban Smocking" Imagine that!!  We will have hide if we want to Smock!  They are saying it is harmful to our health and people who are exposed to "Second Hand Smockers" are at risk!! 

Have they been talking to my husband?  Your husband?  Our Children?  I do admit that people in my household have just had to wait until I finished smocking my row.  And sometimes, I even started another row and figured they wouldn't know the difference.
Who Told??

Well, I think we need to have a TEA PARTY and  Unite all the Smockers of America and talk about how to resist the movement to Ban Public Smocking.  And we can have yummy scones with our tea!  And drink from pretty tea cups!

So, are you with me?

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. me too!!! Love it!!!!

  2. I'm right there with ya sister!

  3. Maybe they meant "Ban Public Smoking" and just spelled it wrong! The idea of smockers meeting clandestinely to ply their craft - that's pretty funny. I wish I were at a tea party eating scones. I MIGHT even smock...ok, I'll bring my knitting. Kathy

  4. I'm with you! I'll bring my smocking out to the park and smock in public!

  5. I'm definitely in!!!!
    i have another question for you. I hope you don't mind.
    What length do you ordinarily make a newborn's day gown? I have a slip that a friend gave me that had been her mother's. It is beautiful. She's wants me to make a dress for her, as yet unborn, granddaughter. I'm debating on how long I should make it. I want it to fit her for a while.

  6. I am so excited that I will not be alone at my TEA PARTY!!

    Julia, My main consideration about making the Daygown would be the slip, because it is so special. I would want them to go together. I would make the Daygown one and one half inches longer than the slip. If an heirloom slip were not part of this picture, I would want the Daygown to cover baby's feet. Sweet & Simple is one of my shortest Daygowns and it is about 18" long which will easily cover the feet and still be manageable. Twenty one inches is my other main length. It is very long on a newborn but should cover the feet of the baby until they outgrow it at about 6 months.

  7. Thanks for the giggle, Jeannie! Would love to sit and have tea with you-and smock!

  8. In our "sit & smock" group, we ALWAYS have hot tea and some breaded goodie when we meet!

  9. Too funny! I'll come to your tea party! Smockers of the world, unite!

  10. Sign me up too! I love smocking and tea parties!

  11. I'll join you and I'm armed with darners and sharp little scissors!!! :)

  12. ABSOLUTELY! What would I do without smocking... every month is smocking month!

  13. You crack me up! I'm in for the tea party and smocking.

  14. I'm LATE, I'm LATE to a very important date....Smocking Month!!!! To the party with every intention of actually getting some smocking done.....especially since Dave will be flying this month. I know now why I was able to get so much done while he/we were in the Air Force....he was always gone!!! LOL

  15. I am coming too! When I was learning to sew in high school and college, the woman in my town who did sewing lessons taught at her house. We made what we wanted, she helped all of us and made us homemade desserts every week! Sewing needs treats as far as I am concerned:)


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