
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Saturday, February 26

Teaching For Saga in Anaheim.

Dress Pattern is Revised Baby Daydresses. The Embroidery design in not included in the pattern.
This is the dress featured in the latest Sew Beautiful magazine.  It is one of the most enjoyable projects I have worked on.  I love to hemstitch, I love to embroider, I love pretty lace and I love this little dress!

It is available as a KIT on my website.

But even better.  
This will be a two day class I will be teaching in California this fall for the Smocking Arts Guild of America.

                   The new Class Brochure for the National Convention is now available for viewing!!
You can visit the SAGA (Smocking Arts Guild of America)website for all kinds of wonderful information as well as looking at all the teachers and classes in the Convention Brochure.

In my two day class you will get to stitch this dress with me.  We will work all the sweet techniques on this dress as I show you specific methods I use to make my little baby dress creations. 

 So you can make them just like me!

Start planning now to be there with us.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2010 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. LOVE it!!!!! I have the brochure already downloaded. I have changed my mind about a half dozen times.

  2. This is so beautiful! I love old fashioned heirloom sewing and want to learn. I'm in NC and have the name of a local lady who teaches so I'm looking forward to it. We are expecting our first grandchild this yr! My husband is building a cradle and wants me to make the bedding so, I'm looking for a pattern for sheets, pillow, bumper pads, etc. Any ideas?
    thank you and I will be back to visit!
    Patty H.

  3. Oh l wish l could just jump on a plane and come and join in your classes,oh l can dream can,t l ,may be one day l could come and learn from you that would be lovely.

    Hugs Pat.

  4. Gorgeous! There will be some very fortunate students in that class!

  5. Thank you for answering my comment question.
    Patty H.

  6. I was just devouring that Sew Beautiful issue that featured this dress and was struck at how lovely it was! How lucky those ladies who will get to learn at the hand of a skilled seamstress! Wish I could go!

  7. You knew I wanted to see the dress again... Like Martha, I have changed my mind a few times. That is gorgeous though.... and it is winning out. :)


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