
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Friday, March 4

My Blue Dimity Dress - Done and Cute!

Hi Sharon!! (Sharon was her first Mama)
Flat Baby Betsy is sporting a new Dress! 
Doesn't she look pleased, if a bit startled.

The dress is from OFB pattern "Baby's Smocked Layette" and is really more elegant than cute! 
Swiss Dimity smocks up like Cotton Candy!
I love Pink and Blue together - So Old Fashioned!!  So Baby!!

This is the Swiss Dimity fabric I have been telling you all about.
I absolutely love it.  
 Swiss Dimity comes in Blue, White and a slightly peachy Pink.
This fabric is exquisite.
All soft colors.

For this dress, I cut the fabric from behind the lace.
To make this lacy hem, cut out the dress as instructed and sew the side seams. Mark the lace placement lines with a fabric marking pen.  Mark the lace placement line for the lower of the two pieces of lace insertion  2" up from the raw unfinished hem (the hem is already finished in the picture above).  Stitch lace insertion in place.  Measure up  1/2" from the top of the sewn on insertion to mark the  lace placement line for the upper piece of lace insertion.  There will be 1/2" between the two lace pieces.

Then stitch lace insertion to the lower unfinished hem (all this insertions stitching is by machine) and whip gathered lace edging to the insertion by hand.

My sleeve is finished with Swiss Beading and gathered lace insertion.
Beading is great to use because  you can adjust it with ribbon and it's easy to fit different size babies.

Look at  more Sizing Tips from me.

Surround yourself with Beauty
And be Delighted!
jeannie b.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Gorgeous!!!! Love it. I too love pink and blue together.

  2. I have to get some of that fabric - it is lovely.

  3. The beauty you create is delighful! Thanks for sharing so much of it with us.
    I adore pink and blue together, too!

  4. Flat baby looks so happy to be in the new dress. Love the pink and blue... pretty pretty.


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