
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Tuesday, April 12

Vintage Christening Gown

Bodice of Vintage Christening Gown.
A friend brought this beautiful Christening Gown  to my home for me to see.  She brought another one and you can see the post about it HERE.  It was even more amazing!

This was a Christening Set. There is  a matching slip and bonnet.

Everything is entirely hand stitched.

The lace at the hem of the gown.
The hem was edged with lace insertion.  Matching Lace Edging was sewn to either side of it.

You can see that the same technique was used on the lace embellishing the front of the gown.

It was made by Best and Co.  I have seen the adds from this company in vintage magazines!

Matching Bonnet.

The fabric on the gown and bonnet are a soft organdy.

The same Lace Insertion/Lace Edging technique as used on the gown.

Lovely embroidery is flowing down the front of the gown. It looks similar to a design I have used, inspired by an old baby garment. You will find that parts of the same designs flow from antique garment to antique garment , don't they?

Even the sleeves have embroidery on them.  And the workmanship is fine!
More from the other Christening Gown about the history  HERE.

"I am reading: Isaiah 53:6
"We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

This is my White Wednesday for April 13, 2011!!

Join me with Faded Charm.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2010 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. What a beautiful treasure, so detailed.


  2. The hours of dedicated handwork... absolutely amazing! Priceless treasure!

  3. What a lovely ensemble! I have to agree with Kellie, absolutely priceless!

  4. How Sweet ~ a real treasure....

  5. How beautiful!!!! Your friend is so lucky to have this. A treasure in deed

  6. This baby gown is so beautiful and precious!
    ~ Julie

  7. Breathtaking! Each picture is more beautiful than the last.

  8. What an exquisite gown. So beautiful and the workmanship is amazing.
    Looks like it might have some candlewicking as well as embrodiery.
    It is a shame that so much of those things are like a lost art. They are very time consuming artistry.

    My great Grandmother used to tat, and I have the tatted babies booties she made of me as a baby and they are gorgeous!

    Thanks for sharing that lovely piece of the past.
    Blessings, Nellie

  9. Is it possible to copy the embroidery sedign off that dress?

    I just found your blog today and have been loving it. I love the embroidery on that dress I love the little loopy vines. If you could I would love you forever.
    If I was your neighbor I would be there with tissue paper in hand begging you to let me trace it.

    Just a thought, let me know.

  10. I agree, it is a beautiful dress. All I have are the pictures that you see here. Enjoy!!!


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24