
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Tuesday, July 26

Baby Rose and Pretty Embroidery in White.

I am teaching again for Sew Heavenly in November.
We are in the process of deciding  what I will  teach.

Brenda is thinking she would like to use my  Baby Rose pattern. I think it is a good choice for a two day class.  Construction, lace and embroidery.

I might teach Bermuda Fagotting.  That is the technique you see above...the tiny holes.  I love that look.

Along with looped Bullion flowers.  And lace insertion applied to fabric.  There are so many sweet things to teach and to learn.    It's just hard to narrow down what can be done in two days!

"When we ask advice we are usually looking for an accomplice."
Charles Varlet de  La Grange, 1639-1692

This is my White Wednesday for this week.  Join Faded Charm for more!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Your work is just beautiful... and screams dedication!

  2. That is so darling! I love faggoting, but I just haven't done much of it. I really enjoyed a class I went to with Carol Ahles. She showed us some good techniques.

  3. OOhhh......I am "pea green with envy" as I would love to do your Baby Rose class. I hope you post some pics when the class finishes !

  4. How beautiful, delicate and sweet, just waiting for to be used for a precious little one.

  5. What a coincidence! I was just looking at your article on Bermuda Faggoting in an old Creative Needle, and thinking I needed to use it on some little gowns I am making. I love how you incorporated it on this one!

  6. Love it. Of course LOVE those looped bullion flowers. My favorites. Is Bermuda faggoting the same as POint Turc? Looks similar to what I remember. I have only done it once on a project I gifted. So I have never seen it again.Sounds like a delightful class. Would love to do it, but I will be busy in November. New baby busy.

  7. Jeannie--I love all your work, but this one takes my breath away. It is just exquisite in every detail. I so wish that there were classes where heirloom work was taught in New York, but I don't think there are--at least not in the city. Eleanor

  8. I just LOVE this dress. I hope you choose this exact dress and all it has on it now for your class, cause I am going to sign up and take it for my birthday present from my darling husband!!!! I look forward to more info!!!

  9. Yes Martha, Point Turc or Three Sided Stitch!

    Michelle, I look forward to seeing you at Sew Heavenly!

    Thank you to all for your kind words and for visiting me here on my Sewing Blog.

  10. I am always amazed at your work. I still have not done that day gown. I may have to get that out next week and try it! Along with my little crocheting, I have been doing a little embroidery practicing.


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24