
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Friday, July 15

Cute Sewing Box.

I love this Sewing Box!!
And it's mine!

A Friend and I went out for an afternoon of fun.  And our kind of fun often involves going to Antique Stores.

I had seen this Sewing Box the last time I visited this little shop.  It was still there, just waiting for a home.

But the price was too high for me.  So, I just asked if he could change the price to one I couldn't resist.  And he did!!

I can't wait to stock it but I need to give it a good clean first. 

See this handy little area to stash thread and needles in?
Who could have resisted.

So the Happy Ending is.....this little Sewing Box has a proper sewing home.

I love Happy Endings!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. I absolutely love this... I have stuff everywhere when I am stitching. Your "new" sewing box would actually look cute sitting in the corner of a room!

  2. That little box was just meant to be yours! So sweet!

  3. Lovin' the box! My favorite kind of thing to STEEL...oops...I mean SNAG!:)


  4. My grandmother had one like this. Don't know what happened to it. Congratulations on grabbing a deal.

  5. My daughters gave me a sewing box made like that a few years ago. I love it!

  6. I cannot think of a nicer home for this precious sewing box.I imagine the previous owner had a passion like you.....your followers and me!


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24