
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Thursday, September 29

The Sew Sews Do Tea!

Yes, we're going to Tea.  But first I need to finish show and tell from my Sew Sews!
Another cute blanket.

I especially love this blanket.  I love the pink bunny.  And the pink ribbon that is threaded through the white crochet.  I always love just a hint of color on a white background.

ok, we're on our way....

We get to drive by amazing iron work from the old buildings in New Orleans.

And we have arrived.  The room where we had tea was beautiful!

There is also a lovely courtyard.
But I have promised you Tea and here it is!
First , we were served these wonderful and tasty treats.

This was my plate and I ate every bite!

Next, came the Tea Cakes and Scones and other goodies.

They were so beautiful!!

I was happy just to look at them. 

And more!  Each was a work of art.

The tea was flowing.  
My favorite Teas were the Parisian Tea and the Green Peppermint.

Here is our happy group.
(notice I am wearing my Shawl - front on the left)

You could not see Lorraine in the picture above - but she is absolutely charming in this fru fru little hat.  Feathers and all!  Can you  believe she made it?

You can tell I don't get out much when I am taking pictures in the bathroom!

I loved the little rolled up cloth towels for drying my hands.
Very nice.

Wasn't this a true treat? 
 We Sew Sew's really know how to have a good time!

"Somehow, taking tea together encourages an atmosphere of intimacy when you slip off the timepiece in your mind and cast your fate to a delight of tasty tea, tiny foods, and thoughtful conversation."
Gail Greco

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. What fun! My friend and I used to love to go to tea at the Drake Hotel in Chicago (this was a pre-kids activity:) Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  2. Thank you for letting us join you for tea! Looks like a delightful time for all. Tea is a lovely tradition!

  3. Looks like a fantastic experience - so nice to share it with friends!
    Those cakes and savouries look pretty special - it must have been hard to choose which ones to have!

  4. How lucky you are to have so many sewing friends nearby with regular get togethers! You have all that inspiration and fellowship AND tea!#$%&? Oh, and that gorgeous shawl! You are proof that clean living pays off.

  5. I absolutely love that hat on that very lovely lady! Many years ago (about 8) I stayed in a Ritz Carlton and remembered the towels in the bathroom. I thought it was the height of luxury. The tea looks wonderful. You sew sews are just darling.

  6. I want to be a Sew Sew!!! :) Darby


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24