
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Tuesday, October 18

Fun at Smocking Arts Guild National Convention

What a surprise to find Maureen in my class - a friend I knew in  Baton Rouge who moved to Portland years ago!!
I just returned from teaching for the Smocking Arts Guild National Convention held in Anaheim, California.

If you weren't there....I am so sorry.  
You missed a great time!

But you can come next year to Atlanta.

Abbie, me and Martha (the famous Martha from Southern Matriarch).  Go to Southern Matriarch for more SAGA Convention Fun Information.
Three Princesses (notice our tiara's)!
I met up with lots of friends.  
And it was fun seeing many of my Blog Friends too!

And it was wonderful to see all the talented work during the night of "Design Show" and "Show and Share".  That has to be my favorite part of Convention. (sorry, no photos allowed during that event)

And fun to see projects finished from previous classes I taught.

Pattern is "Embroidered Raglan Daygown".
 And I was so happy to see this little Daygown  made by a talented lady who followed my Blog Sew Along.

I love her color choices for the embroidery.
White Flowers with yellow centers.

But I really love the Crochet that she worked in the Entredeux at the neck and sleeve edge.

Is is really pretty and such a nice finish to the Daygown.

Makes me want to make one just like it!!

And then the battery in my camera died!!  So I don't have pictures of the Wee Care garments, which were wonderful...or anything else except ....

this picture taken at the Saturday night Banquet that Cynthia emailed me.
Go see California Stitching for more SAGA convention fun information.
Cynthia from the California Stitching Blog, won the basket I donated. I know she will make very good use of the Antique buttons in the basket! 

And here you see my Shawl (the one my sister knitted me) looking quite elegant.

I really loved my crown, but alas I had to give up my Princess-hood as the Convention ended.  I didn't look at all out of place wearing it .....

...the convention was a stones throw from Disney Land....there were alot of little Princesses running around.

And after all the classes were over, I went to Disney Land along with other SAGA friends.  And we crossed paths with several  SAGA ladies as we made our way around the park.   I am continuing my "Have More Fun" New Years resolution!!

 I love Disney Land!!

And they all lived happily ever after.


All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful peek into the convention! Thanks for sharing your pictures--and your basket with all the goodies. I'm sure lots of $ was raised from the raffle. Thanks for sharing, Jeannie. P.S. Your shawl is gorgeous. Anyone wearing such a lovely thing should be wear a tiara.


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