
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Sunday, December 18

My Fun Time at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans.

This was on a cake  celebrating the graduation of Zoo Volunteers.
On Saturday we went to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans.

There were Grandchildren involved in this Zoo Trip!
We went to see a friend graduate from the intensive Volunteer course required to be a part of this wonderful zoo.

The great Horned Owl.

A Volunteer was educating us about this owl.  It was sitting on his (protected) arm.
He was a little scary.  
Did you know he can tear apart small animals?  Yuk!

Sweet Bunny Rabbit is my kind of animal!

This is the kind of thing my friend could be doing.
Along with a million other jobs including working with animals in the hospital- her first choice.

How many monkeys do you see in this picture?

There were scary reptiles here.

Challenge - Find the eyes of the alligator in this picture.

Alligator's live in Louisiana - This freaks me out!!
They hide, waiting to eat you!
(hint - eyes are in the middle of the can click on photo to enlarge it)

Here is an alligator that I like.  The ride on this old Carousel! The Carousel is one of my favorite things at the zoo.

It was much fun.
And you should go to...
  the New Orleans Audubon Zoo!!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. How fun... I still love the zoo!

  2. Was this fun day your reward for finishing that beautiful pattern or just a break from writing directions? Either way, it sounds like a special, fun day with some fun, special monkeys.

  3. Oh, I wish I could say it was a reward for finishing my pattern! Actually, my son was leaving the next day to be gone over Christmas, so I went to see him and celebrate his birthday and Christmas with him. The zoo was part of our celebration with his girlfriend.

  4. Alligators live in FL, too, Jeannie and they freak me out, too! We've had two in our pond in our backyard in the 10 years we've lived here. Even so, I don't let the dogs anywhere near that pond for fear that one might be in there and harm them.

    When we went north last summer, I found myself scanning the ponds all the time - even though you rarely find them north of Georgia. sheesh!

    I love your 'monkey' picture. Adorable kids.

    Merry Christmas Week, my friend.


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24