
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Thursday, January 12

Getting Kits Ready To Teach!

I have been busy getting kits together for my classes with the Contraband Heirloom Stitchers.
They are a group in Lake Charles Louisiana.

I want to tell you what I have learned from the first chapter of  100  Ways to Simplify Your Life, by Joyce Meyer.   The first chapter is Do One Thing at a Time.  Not surprising that I have no problem immersing myself in "one" thing if it is something I love to designing.  If fact, it's hard to get my attention away from it.

My problem lies with  everything else!  I look for things to distract me when I don't want to do something that needs done like paperwork.  And it is especially hard when I really want to do something else.
I worked on my kits and finished them.  They are all ready!
I have concentrated this past week on doing one thing at a time.

 I once read that to be efficient, handle a piece of paper or letter from your desk only once.  In other words, pick it up, deal with it and file it away.  Rather than put it in the ever growing pile of things to do later.  That could be said about most of the things of our life too.

I am teaching the Sweet and Simple Embellished Daygown and the Embroidered Bonnet. 
 Lots of pretty stitches!  It will be fun.

Maybe this can help you too.

1.  Set a timer and do the one thing for that amount of time only.  Amazing how much you will get done.

2.  Or plan to do that one thing until it's done but take a 30 minute break to do what you really want to sewing.

Some of us can't just do a thing without props!


  1. Focusing on the task at hand... that is sometimes very hard to do -especially when my smocking bag is in view!

  2. Such good advice. Today, we all seem to be going faster and faster all the time, hurtling toward the result, ignoring the soothing rhythm of the process.
    One day, I will stitch baby daygowns....
    Like your others, this one is uniquely beautiful.


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24