
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Monday, January 23

Sister Visit -Nottoway Plantation

This is a beautiful Sewing Caddy we saw. I guess it is from the mid 1800's.

My sister came to visit me. 
One of the fun things we did... was visit Nottoway Plantation.

I wish they had filled it with time appropriate sewing items!
The inside scrollwork lifts out to place your project into a cubby.

Nottoway Plantation 
 The front faces the Mississippi River.

My niece came for a visit too! (photo used with permission)
My sister and my niece are in front of the side entrance.

Yes.  I think I could sit on this porch and stitch quite nicely, thank you!

And I love the lace curtains in the windows.

My birthday cake was a King Cake.  
If you don't know what that haven't been to Louisiana at Mardi Gras time.
I had the needed help to blow out my candles!

I took an entire Birthday Week off to spend with my family.

And I had a great time!!

(Tomorrow I will answer phone calls, ship orders and respond to email.)

Thank you!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2012 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. I want that sewing caddy... would just inspire to sew! Can you imagine all the projects that rested safely in there! Yikes... love it!

  2. Happy Birthday Jeannie! You deserved the entire week off to celebrate your birthday!

  3. What a nice Birthday outing. You look right at home on that porch. Happy Birthday!

  4. Sounds like a great birthday, so many happy returns! The plantation house is beautiful, as is the sewing caddy. It would be lovely to sit and stitch in that rocking chair on the veranda!

  5. Happy Birthday!
    Yes, that porch looks like the ideal place to sit and stitch!

  6. I love the Nottoway Plantation! We took our two oldest daughters there, wow just over nine years ago! We tried to make it a little more interesting and told them there would be a test afterward, so they needed to pay attention to the docent. They answered all the questions! Beautiful property! Glad you go to visit. Have a great week!

  7. What a great week you must have had. Linda McGehee and I were teaching at an event in Memphis and she had king cakes flown in from New Orleans to share. What a fun birthday cake! As for taking the week "off," the pictures of that beautiful plantation and the sewing caddy show that you were still thinking about your readers. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thank you all for your happy birthday wishes. It was a wonderful birthday.


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