
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Thursday, May 3

More Threads of Love

The ladies who stitch for Threads of Love have enormous hearts.

A Chapter Display. 
They pray for the family while they stitch.

Making Lovie Dolls for premie babies is a great project to involve the  Church youth.  
We have had children work on them at Vacation Bible School.  Even the youngest children can stuff the socks.  And they love that the babies will be happy to get them.

I had to smile when I saw this.  


This is an awesome organization.

If there isn't one in your area...
Start one!

Very nice job!
Another class I taught was Beginning Shadow Embroidery.

Busy Stitching!

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi 

or in my own words
Let your words and actions reflect your beliefs.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2012 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. I've already contacted my church to start a chapter here. With 7000 members, surely there are a few ladies who love to sew! I went to the website after your last post to get the info. Thanks for sharing. It's nice to use our gifts for His glory especially for such wee little ones or for the ones He has called home.

  2. I'd love to have seen that! With four kids of my own, I haven't managed belonging to a group that meets in person, but I make baby quilts and donate them to a local pregnancy center.


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24