
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Saturday, October 6

In My Garden - Preparing

It's a lovely cool morning.
And I am preparing "in progress" samples for my  Playing With Lace Class.
SAGA National Convention is just next week!

If ever you lament your UFO's or "works in progress" as I like to call them....just talk to a  needle arts teacher!  We must have things in all sorts of stages in order to demonstrate to you what is what in class.

But it is totally enjoyable stitching this morning.  
And it will be a pleasure to complete this project after the class is done.

Honeycrisp Apples. 
 I LOVE them.  To think, I had no idea they existed until two (could it have been three?) years ago and my sister introduced them to me.  Only available in the fall, they are to die for delish!  Especially on top of Old Fashioned Oatmeal (which is under all the apples) and walnuts.

Poor, poor pitiful me!
I broke my toe.  Such a bad time for this to happen with full days of teaching next week and lots of being on my feet!  A toe is such a little thing.  But it can hurt really big!

My Brown Dog is in the Garden with me, of course.
Strider - a dog after my own heart.  He loves flowers too!

My finished project and notes that need to get to the printer to have copies made for class.
I am getting things done!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2012 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Jeannie, may the Lord give you much grace today as you try to get much prep work done in anticipation of next week, and healing, too, for your toe. Do you know if there are any openings for your classes at convention? I would like to take one, if any are still available.

  2. The Saturday class is full but you might get a spot in my Thursday/friday Handsewing class or the Playing With Lace on Sunday morning. Thank you for your kind thoughts!!

  3. OUCH! I am so sorry you are dealing with a hurt foot. I hope it doesn't slow you down too badly. See you soon.

  4. What a cozy little spot... I think I shall settle in on my sun porch with some hand stitching!

  5. So sorry for the broken toe. Been there, and done that. Big hurt is correct! Best wishes finishing preparation work and packing. Prayers for safe traveling, too. Wish I could be there with all of you.

  6. Oh, I am so sorry about your poor toe! Especially when you have so much to do. Somehow, you still manage a cheerful post with pretty pictures. Here's a little prayer for strength, healing and forbearance for you in your busy challenge.


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24