
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Monday, October 22

More Saga Fun - Quilts

The museum at the Swan House in Atlanta included Quilts.
The fabric in this quilt was vibrant, striking and rich in color and variety.  The hand embroidery is exquisite! I love the black strips that divide the squares.  They look like velvet although I don't know if they are.

The quilt was edged in a beautiful ecru lace!  Loved it!
Do you see the board that the quilt is mounted on?  There were several quilts mounted on boards like this.  The huge boards were hidden away and to see the quilt you pushed a button and the quilt slid out from it's hiding place to be displayed for what seemed like only a very few seconds but it was probably longer.

I am sure this is done to preserve the quilt because light is the enemy of textiles.

Each square was different but many had similar designs.  
The fans and butterflys were numerous. 

There were scenes stitched in embroidery threads.  And you can see the luscious lace in the above picture much better.  Click on any picture to enlarge it.  There is alot of stitching talent in this quilt!

This picture is typical of most of the ones I took.  

Darned if the quilt wasn't zipping back to it's hiding place by the time I got it in focus!  The ladies who were viewing with me were very patient as I needed to keep  pushing the button to bring the quilt back out to try another picture.

I tend to be slow.

Although I have never been as fond of the Log Cabin quilt as others, I loved this one.  I could really see how the use of light and dark created it's own pattern.  And I love the use of light in designs.

I am amazed at the kind of mind required to think up these quilts. 

My Granddaughter compares the ability of matching quilt blocks down one row and across another to  Sudoku.  She is mathmatically minded, which did not come from my genes! 

Info about the above quilt. 
Thank goodness the information displays did not move!

This was probably my favorite. 

 I always love understated elegance.  The tiny piecing work is perfect and the miniscule stitches form their own design.

I was completely worn out from trying to "catch" the picture of the different quilts before they started moving so this is all there is in pictures.  There were more beautiful quilts.  And there was much more to the museum that I didn't have time to see.  

We had another stop scheduled....the Botanical Garden.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2012 Jeannie Baumeister

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely Gorgeous Quilt! Exquisite embroidery! Thanx for sharing.


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