
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Wednesday, March 22

Sew Sews Quilt Too.

Sew Sews can stitch anything.

Shirley, on the right, is the "Quilter" although several of us can quilt too.

Bunny gave Shirley the scrapes from a quilt she had finished and this is what Shirley came up with.  Amazing!  I love this fabric.

She stitched  fans on the corners.

I think Shirley is so talented. 

 I can make quilts and I love to stitch them,  but that is not my talent.  Click to enlarge and you will see the pale yellow print fabric she used for the outside border.  She used the very same fabric for the background but she used the WRONG side so it would be more back groundy. I love this Quilt!

She just finished this quilt and brought it to show us.  I love, love, love the blue background fabric.

Look close….its blue pottery.

I'm thinking Spode!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2017 Jeannie Baumeister

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