
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Sunday, October 7

Pre-Day Convention Fun

We are still in the Quilt Room in the museum tour of Old Salem.

I am partial to Blue and White.

Blue with White Poka Dots!

And alot of intricate hand work besides.

Jane made this quilt and I think her signature is unique.

It is made using Trapunto work.


This was a child's quilt and I really do love this.

I think I could even make it.  Anyway, one day I hope to try!

See how tiny and even these hand quilting stitches are!

My stitches certainly won't look like this but that's ok....I can aspire to it.

Finally, I thought you would like to read this.  You can click on the photo to enlarge so you can read a bit of information concerning the Boarding School for Female Education.

For everyone who wasn't with us...I am so sorry you missed a great time!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2018 Jeannie Baumeister

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