
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Saturday, July 23

A Quiet Morning Sewing in My Garden

I have thrown an old quilt over my  porch swing for comfort.
And this is where I sit in the morning to stitch.

Today I wanted something easy to sew.  I didn't want to think about it.  I only wanted the soothing repetition of the needle sliding in and out of the fabric.

I have begun a quilt for me.

And I listened to the birds sing and the bees buzz and watched the Butterflies dance.

The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth hath He given to the children of men.
Psalm 115:16

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2016 Jeannie Baumeister

1 comment:

  1. How lovely that looks! And what a pretty quilt that will be. I love the old fashioned, simple designs like the quilts you make the best.


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24