
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Monday, July 25

Antique Daygown Kit

I have put together a Daygown kit that includes some Vintage materials.

I am inspired as I go through my collection of  sewing materials.  Things I have had for a time and decided to sell bits of them.   Keeping some back for my own needs, of course.

Enough Vintage Lace Edging in the kit to gather (or not) at the neck and wrists of any Daygown you choose.

Just a bit of Vintage Lace Insertion to put a piece on either side of the front opening if you want to.

The entredeux is some that I bought many years ago, very nice and the same Vintage White color.  Almost White, but not white. There is enough to finish the neck and wrists.   The buttons are vintage and  still on the old card.  I pulled them from my own collection that I have been saving for something special.  They are white Mother of Pearl.  A soft pearl color. Almost 3/8" in size.

 I chose a very soft pink and blue embroidery floss.  And a  white that is not bright.

I might embroider all in white for a really classic look.   Or a combination of colors. 
 I haven't decided yet for my Daygown.

The fabric is not old but is no longer available.  It's not for sale on  it's own.  It was a beautiful lawn that was replaced when a distributor changed mills.  I love it better than the newer fabric that replaced it.  It is softer and finer.  It is the same Vintage White as everything else.  One yard for a Daygown.

I would suggest using one of  my Old Fashioned Baby patterns.  "Baby's First Daygown", "Sweet and Simple Baby Daygown", or "Old Fashioned Baby Layette".

I have a few kits but the supply is of course limited.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2014 Jeannie Baumeister

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