
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Monday, May 2

I Hope You Are Safe!

I hope my Blog Friends are safe and their houses are secure.  And with power. Living in Hurricane territory, I  know what it is like to be without.

It has been an awful time for so many.  So many sad stories.

And my family is fine here in Louisiana.

This is a picture of the side garden of My Father In Laws home  (in Tuscaloosa) when I saw him in January.  And if you follow my blog, you know that he passed away suddenly a few short weeks ago.

This is his two story home (and belongings) today.

He could not have lived through the Tornado that struck his home.  While his passing is difficult for his family....all his children were able to be with him for several days at the hospital.

  And their time together was sweet.

"Withhold not your  tender mercies from me, O Lord: let your loving-kindness and your truth continually preserve me."
Psalm 40:11


  1. Jeannie, what a sobering reminder that what we often see as severe at the time is actually a mercy. We don't always get to understand in the here and now, but I'm thankful that your family had the opportunity to say goodbye to your father-in-law.


  2. What a devastating sight. I am so glad your Dad did not have to go through this.

  3. As much as your heart hurts with the loss of a beloved family member, there must be a tiny bit of peace that he did not see his home destroyed. I am so sorry that you and your family must bear that pain. Many prayers for you, and others left to pick up the pieces. (((hugs)))

  4. Jeannie I can't believe that was his home. God took care of him and brought him to his real home before this storm. I pray for your family as they now deal with this loss.

  5. Oh my goodness! So glad that he did not have to go through that and that your family is safe.


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24