
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Sunday, August 7

Pretty Baby Sacque and Bonnet

The latest issue of Sew Beautiful magazine just arrived at my house.
Issue # 138 - Sept/Oct. 2011
My article features a sweet Sacque and Bonnet.

The fabric is the wonderfully soft Swiss Flannel.  One of my favorites.  The embroidery design is included in Sew Beautiful magazine.

My little baby doll shows you how it looks on a baby.  
Typically it is worn over a little dress to give a bit of added warmth.  It was sure cute on the baby in the magazine who was only wearing a diaper.

A little flower at the sleeve.
Do you notice the lace?  I love this lace.  It's the Maline Dot lace.

I used Madeira Silk floss for the embroidery.

The main focus of the article is the Snail Shirring you see on the bonnet.

And a "Before" picture! 

Funny, the "Before" picture was quite awhile ago. 

In fact I have already sent them my garment for the next issue!!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Just beautiful! I love bonnets!

  2. Oh, Jeannie, it is beautiful. It also brought back memories of a sacque that I have packed away that my mother made 60 yrs ago. It was of similar color and design. Thanks for triggering the memory.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  3. Love this!!!! Maybe I'll get to do one of these

  4. And again, I can't wait to get my copy of Sew B. This is so pretty and pink.

  5. Gorgeous! I have the pattern for this sacque and can't wait to make it up.

    I try to buy fabrics locally, but I can't find anyone around my area that sells heirloom fabrics. How sad that I can't look at and feel the fabrics before I buy them! Anyhow, that means I will probably be buying my heirloom fabrics from you, which is, of course, good news for you LOL!

  6. Well, I am happy to feel the fabrics for you!


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24