
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Saturday, October 22

LSU VS Auburn - The Blanket!

Let there be no question - LSU rules!

My daughter asked me to make a new baby gift for her friends.  A mixed marriage.  One is a LSU fan and the other ..AUBURN.  She wanted the blanket to represent LSU on one side and AUBURN on the other.

The AUBURN fabric came from Mary's Smock Shoppe.
My friend Beverly used her Sewing Machine to embroider AUBURN in the corner of the fabric.

You are right in thinking..."I can't believe Jeannie used an embroidery machine!"

Here you see both sides of the finished blanket.

Here are the steps to make the blanket - which can be made for the team(s) of your choice:

1.  Cut AUBURN and LSU base fabric 36" X40" (good size for crib or to carry around).

2.  Cut contrast AUBURN fabric (tiger paw fabric) 36"X9".  Fold wrong sides together to fit along the 36" side of the blanket.  Press so you have a crease along the fold line.

3.  Use a Large Ric Rac in a color that goes with the Team colors.  Cut Ric Rac about 38"  and stitch to the right side of fabric, along crease line.  Press.   You can cut the extra Ric Rac off to fit the 36" of the fabric.

4.  Fold fabric wrong sides of tiger paw fabric together so Ric Rac stands out.   Pin the tiger paw fabric to the base fabric around the three sides.  The tiger paw fabric is not quite even after it is folded but that's ok, it will be covered by the binding.  Count it as part of the folded fabric.  Stitch around the three sides that are pinned.  Press. 

5.  Now stitch the Ric Rac to the base fabric using thread that matches the Ric Rac.  You will sew right in the "ditch" where the Ric Rac meets the tiger paw fabric.  But you are only sewing the Ric Rac to the base fabric, you will not sew into the tiger paw fabric.

6.  Ok, almost done. Pin WRONG sides together and stitch the LSU fabric to the AUBURN  fabric (that is now embellished with tiger paw fabric and machine embroidered AUBURN).  

7.  To finish the edges,  I added satin Blanket Binding that I bought in a package.  You could do cute edgings that match better but I decided that the Binding was just for the Baby.  They love the feel of the soft Satin Binding.  And it had to be a neutral color. 

 I just fudged the corners of the binding. You can find perfect mitered corners on Heather Baily's Blog HellomynameisHeather.

So here's to  LSU!!


After I finished, I thought of lots of cute and fun ways to make this blanket.  I am sure you can come up with tons of them when you start looking at fabric for your team.

PS.  I am not really into Football myself, but you can't live in Baton Rouge without getting caught up in the excitement.

I am rooting for LSU!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister

1 comment:

  1. Love it... but it would be FSU on both sides in our home!!


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