
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Sunday, January 8

Jeannie's Fun Day!

We found these  little treasures in a bucket of towels.  My Friend bought one and I bought two.
Aren't these the cutest vintage Dish cloths you have ever seen?

On Saturday, I had no problem doing one thing at a time!  Because, all day long I did the same thing.  I had FUN!!  Fun with a Friend!

Wednesday is the day for Sewing!  Imagine.  An entire day each week set aside just for sewing!  That sounds like fun.
I spent the entire day with a Friend.  We went shopping, mostly in a nearby town known for Antiques.  

Monday is wash day.  He doesn't mind that it's raining.
It was dark by the time we headed home!
And she fixed me a cup of Tea.

It was a good day.

Shopping on Thursday.
These towels fit right in with the book I am readying to help me simplify my life.  The chapter for this week is do one thing at a time.  These towel represent the practice of choosing one day for a particular chore.  They didn't Wash and Shop on the same day.

  No, Monday was Wash Day, Thursday was Market day, on these towels anyway.  

And all day Wednesday they sewed (sounds more like a reward than a chore !).

One for my Friend.  One for Me.

My Friend spotted these two Ready To Embroider Pillow Case Kits!  It reminded me of when my Sister was visiting and we found an entire bag of Pillow Cases to embroider. 

How can I be so lucky for this to happen twice?

Cross Stitch Flowers to embroider.

I had more FUN than should be legal.
(and you don't even know the half of it!!)

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. i absolutely love the towels. i have been looking for a duck DOW pattern and i have not found anyone that is that cute. i tend to do my days the old fashioned way. and yes i look forward to wednesdays to spend on nothing but sewing. on many of these towels you will find the word mending on wednesday. does that sound more like a chore? i will start out wednesdays doing that if i have any to do. also thursdays will often have visiting instead of shopping. the two days that were different were fridays and saturdays. the chores baking and cleaning. it depended on the transfer company on which day had which chore. the pattern companies, simplicity and mccalls always had cleaning on friday and baking on saturday. i happen to be a bake on friday and clean on saturday person. there was also a difference on sundays. i always like the ones with the characters going or in church. a lot of the old tranfers just show resting, like in a hammock or such. have fun with your towels. i love to make sets for gifts. are the pillowcase kits 100% cotton or are they a blend? i am always on the lookout for cotton but they are very hard to find.

  2. Terri, I want to be like you!! That really does make it simpler, doesn't it? The pillowcases are 100% cotton which I love.

  3. I like the old way of doing things... and would love a whole day to sew!

  4. Oh everything. I especially loved seeing the picture of your Grand-Ma-Ma. What a joy she must have been to you...

    My Gramma passed three years ago last November. I miss her so very much~

    Love to you. Your hands are so blessed.



"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24