
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Saturday, January 7

Miss January!!

Flat Baby Betsy is Miss January!!

Doesn't she look surprised?

To find out more about Flat Baby Betsy...go HERE.

Here she is up on her lofty perch.

Her outfit for January is the Daygown from Smocked Baby Clothes.  It's made out of yummy Swiss Flannel to keep her toasty warm.
The sleeves are so cute.  

Just the right amount of gathers.  And Smocked at the wrist.  Smocking is the most beautiful way to gather fabric!

I smocked them with two rows of Cable stitch.
Then added a Rosebud.

The gown is Smocked with the old fashioned Honeycomb stitch.  And notice how I finished the yoke where it meets the Smocking.  No piping, instead, I inserted lace edging.

The front facing is edged with lace and I stitched embroidery between the buttonholes. If you notice how the floss has a bit of a sheen, it's because I used silk embroidery floss.

Look at the narrow lace edging.  I think one mistake people often make when sewing baby clothes is to use lace that is too wide.  I usually use an edging that is 1/4" to 3/8".  Sometimes a wider lace looks good, especially on dresses or Christening gowns.  But most Daygowns need a narrow lace.

I wanted to show you the facing at the hem.  Often we are wondering what to do with the lace at the lower edge.  Here, I continued the lace edging all the way to the bottom of the un-finished hem.

Then I turned it under and finished the hem.  

So, you notice that there are two layers of lace edging on the  outside of the facing.

Sometimes I will leave the lace un-gathered where the hem is turned under to reduce lace bulk but I rarely remember to do it.

I like it!

I am joining the Pink Saturday group (How Sweet The Sound)..

and continuing to try to simplify my life by doing "one thing at a time"!!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2012 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Miss Betsy does look a little surprised, but so sweet in her lovely pink gown! The hem is as pretty on the inside, as it is on the outside!

  2. Now I've never seen a flat baby face before!!!!Miss January is adorable-your smocking is striking.

  3. Wowzers, that is one gorgeous dress! It's fantastic!
    I love smocking, but have only tried it twice. Alas.
    Happy Pink Day!

  4. Love this. I never got to this one for Evamarie. Sigh. Not enough hours in the day. Love it out of Swiss flannel. Scrumptious!

  5. So beautiful! I can't decide which detail I like the best -- the embroidery on the button band or the smocked gathering at the wrists. I think it's the smocked gathering at the wrists, but I'm not sure. What a delicious dilemma!

  6. Miss January is Just Beautiful!

  7. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy New Year! Your link follows mine and I've been wondering about what I thought said "smoked" and was "smocked". Sometimes, small print drives me nuts. I should enlarge my computer screen, right? Anyway ...... absolutely stunning and beautifully done smocking, lace, stitching, embroidery . . . just wonderful. I think it is really neat and such a blessing that you have the desire, gift and craft to do this. So many things are slipping through the cracks of time. It's wonderful to see your work. (Art). My mom was a seamstress for herself and family - she never liked working for others even if it was sewing. I have some of her samples (on loan at the time) and have posted one set on my blog. I hesitate to put a link on a comment - but if you go to my Pink Saturday category and 11/25/11, you'll see some of her handiwork. It's from the late 50's. I have miniature dresses she made in a class in the big binders on the photos in that post. Haven't shown them yet. All that to say, I really admire what you're doing and that you're doing it. I see that you have some Bible verses posted on your sidebar. That blesses me extra. In my post today I mention my mom's productive hands. And, then, there are your productive hands. May the Lord Bless your doing so. Jenn

  8. Oh the joy of visiting blogs on weekend, everything you see is gorgeous and sweet. I love it!

    Come see my PINK, when you get a chance. Have a great weekend!

  9. Hi Jeanni, Miss Betsy is really gorgeous and she looks so pretty in the little pink day gown. I am very interested in where this little doll came from and how you found each other! Love to read your blog...very inspiring !

  10. Hi Kathryn, My friend gave me Baby Betsy who is a vintage shop display. I added a link to the post so you can see her in detail and find out more.

  11. I am so impressed with the beautiful detail on the dolls dress. Lovely and so well done. I love the doll's surprised look!
    Hugs, Jeanne


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24