
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Wednesday, February 1

Happiness is....

Pillowcases I purchased from a antique shop recently.
Happiness is....freshly laundered Linens (embroidered, of course!).

Soaked, washed, spritzed with lavender water and pressed with a very hot iron!

I love the sweet flowers on these linens.  My favorite color combination!

This week has been way too busy for the likes of me!  And I found myself unable to be productive because of all the hurry I needed to do.  So I needed an escape...

For me, that was pressing Pillowcases!  Yes, you heard me right. Ironing! (don't judge)  There is something satisfying to me about putting a hot iron to fabric.  The clean smell that wafts up to me.  The ease with which I can change a rumpled, untidy  fabric into a smooth, orderly surface.  It's one area of my life that I can always feel empowered.

"In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."
Isaiah 30:15

Join Faded Charm for White Wednesday!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Beautiful linens. It's nice to know someone else enjoys ironing, and with lavender water! I even put lavender oil in my spray starch.

  2. I love your find. I need to go shopping for a set for my daughter that getting married in August. I love to iron linens but I have never used lavender water. Can't wait to try it. Have a great day, Boo

  3. Almost too pretty to rest a head... but then again, oh so special and comforting! Love these!

  4. I, too, love to iron -- and polish silver! There is just something about making things smooth or shiny that makes me happy! The pillowcases are beautiful!

  5. Lovely pillowcases and yes, I too, love to iron.

  6. Me too! Mindless, yet satisfying. Lavender water is a staple by the ironing board.

  7. Jeannie, I am not a fan of ironing, though I like my clothing unwrinkled :-) However, I hadn't thought of ironing being an empowering activity - thank you for giving me a new perspective on one of my least favorit tasks!

  8. I love the feel of ironed and starched pillow cases, and I also iron my tea towels - they fit into the drawer and look very neat. I can not start sewing until my ironing is finished. Denise-Ann


"Gracious words are like a honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24