
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Saturday, February 4

SAGA National Convention in Atlanta - Class preview.

This beautiful little Bonnet is featured in a class I will be teaching in the fall for the Smocking Arts Guild of America National Convention (SAGA).  In Atlanta.

"Anna's Handsewn Baby Bonnet, Circa 1920". 

 Like the name implies, the class is a Hand Sewing class.  I have taught a Machine class using this Bonnet, but never a class devoted to Hand Stitching it.    

This Bonnet has a History!

It is a reproduction of a Bonnet made in 1920 ish.  My friend, Jamie, owns it and you can read more about the Bonnet  HERE.

Even Sewing Machine Die Hards should know how to stitch by hand. 
There are just some things that are better done by hand. 

 But by and large, it will appeal to those students who love to work with their hands.  It is perfect for women  who want to know how to put these hand sewing skills into practice. And they will make a Baby Bonnet in just the way it was stitched to begin with.

 It is a 9 hour class which is great because you will have one full day and another 1/2 day to learn the techniques well and work on your little bonnet.  

Fun.... just waiting to happen!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Oh how I wish I was going to convention and taking your class - beautiful work, as always! Thanks for sharing - now I am off to read the history! :)

  2. Beautiful! Hope your students appreciate the talent of their teacher!


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