
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Friday, May 25

Paris 5 - Walk About

Walking about Paris, looking in shop windows was fun.  I noticed that there were many, many cute dresses, skirts and tops made from lace fabric.  

I did try on a couple of items and found that the clothes were more "fitted" than the mostly loose styles we wear here in the U.S.

Notre Dame

There are intricate statues everywhere in Paris. 

You know I loved all the flower shops!

Behind the walls of this building is a center 'Square'.

And in this square, people were sunning themselves and children played.  It seemed to be a gathering place.  Once, I believe, it was  a park for the wealthy who lived in the surrounding homes that bordered the Square.

I loved the narrow streets with pretty building on either side.
And honestly, I didn't realize how crowded it was until I looked at these photographs.  The crowds along the Mariais area didn't bother us at all.

It was a little like being in the French Quarter in New Orleans.  This group was playing an American song with a French accent.

We took the subway, or Metro as it is called in France, everywhere.  It is a very easy and quick way to get around town.  Cleaner than others I have seen in the states or England.

We saw this sign alot! This was the Metro line right by our hotel.

Beautiful tile in the subway.
And I continued to be surprised and enchanted by all the beauty that we would see in everyday, ordinary places.  Beauty is valued in France.

Me and my Granddaughter at a sidewalk cafe.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2012 Jeannie Baumeister

1 comment:

  1. what a fun day you all had. You and your GD have the same smile.


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