
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Friday, October 19

Fun Before SAGA Convention!

My wonderful Sewing Bag was perfect for this trip. 
I had to hand carry the Vintage Sewing Box that I was giving for a door prize and this cute bag did the job perfectly!  Room for my Ipad too.

I have been to Atlanta many times but just from the airport to Hotels or Shops to teach....and then home.  So, in the interest of  Having More Fun,  I went a day early and joined the tour Saga had arranged for the members.

Our Saga tour guide was perfect for the job. 
 It was fun to watch her counting each of us off on her fingers as we went from place to place.  She was determined not to lose a one of us!!

First stop, the Margaret Mitchell House.
I've read Gone With the Wind several times.  I was 15 the first time I read it and I found the ending too sad.  I am a believer in second chances!

I read it again a couple of years later and I conviently changed the ending so that after the book ended....Rhett came back to Scarlett and they lived happily ever after, having learned to appreciate what they had together.  It could have happened!

The third time I read it, having had a little more life experience, ....well, she deserved what she got!  

I loved seeing this picture of the "flapper" Margaret!

Her old Underwood and desk.

It was interesting to read about her life and find out how much she used her own sad life experiences in her book Gone With The Wind.

She and her husband lived in an apt. in this house we visited.

Time to read the book again, re-writting it in my mind to suit myself!
I'm back into second chances.

And I must see the movie afterward.

Next stop on our tour is Swan House.   Stay tuned....

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2012 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. Sounds like a great tour so far. I look forward to your thoughts on Swan House.
    I am ashamed to say I've never read Gone With the Wind (I'm putting it on my to read list -right now-!) Does it end the same way as the film?

  2. I haven't read the book, but have seen the movie several times since I was a child, (have it also on video and dvd). Being a romantice I believe Rhett came back to Scarlett.

  3. There is much more to the book than the movie (I am thinking the movie even leaves out a husband but not too sure about that). The ending is the same in both.

  4. Oh yes, I have loved GWTW ever since I was 16 and it was assigned summer reading for my two-year AP American History class. Year I was colonization to pre-Civil War and Year II was Civil War to present. And the summer between the two years was spent reading GWTW. It was also my first intro to vintage film, as my friends and I saw the original film screened at a restored old theater. It was 1978 and admission was 50 cents.
    Now I want to read Margaret Mitchell's biography.

  5. Thanks for sharing your wonderful tour! I'm going to watch Gone With the Wind this evening!


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