
Teaching For "It's Sew Heavenly"

Jeannie Teaches


Wednesday, October 17

Smocking Arts Guild of America - What's It All About?

I just returned from the National SAGA Convention.
 I just love this organization!

Mission Statement
The purpose of the Smocking Arts Guild of America is to preserve and foster the art of smocking and related needlework for future generations through education, service, communication and quality workmanship.

So let me show you a bit about the art of Smocking, Embroidery and Fine Sewing.  I tend to like these arts as applied to wearables.  Especially baby clothes.  But the variety  is really varied.

Close up of Smocking
Smocking is a decorative manner of gathering fabric.  It is embroidery on pleated fabric.  It is beautiful and it is easy to learn and stitch.

Smocked Baby Dress from my Pattern Baby's Smocked Layette.
A little more of the dress shown above.

Embroidered fabric used for a Bonnet in a Class I teach.
Mankind has been decorating the textiles in his life forever! 
 Embroidery is the art of  of working ornamental designs with a needle and thread.

Embroidered Baby Bonnet from another Class I teach.

Baby in a Christening Gown  by Grandmother
This Christening Gown is an example of Fine Sewing.

My (now 19 years old) Granddaughter in a dress I made her.

All of the projects above are examples of Fine Sewing.  
I encourage you to wear fine sewn garments and put them on your children.
It's your heritage!

That is a sample of what SAGA wants to preserve.
Who is SAGA?  I am SAGA.  I have friends who are SAGA.  Everyone who has a guild membership is SAGA.

Guilds are as old as time. 
They are organizations of people of related interests and goals.

You know the saying- "Birds of a feather, flock together".  It's true!

We educate, serve, net-work (SAGA has a Blog)  and encourage quality workmanship

Three hard working SAGA women, having fun while manning (womaning?) the hospitality booth at Convention.

SAGA is a group of women who volunteer and serve.
We run Committees and take care of the business of running a non-profit organization.

The SAGA program for this is called Wee Care.
We Smock Premie Bonnets to give to hospitals for babies who are born early.

We stitch Premie Gowns and  Burial Gowns for tiny babies.

There were over 800 items made and donated at the 2012 Convention.
They are given to local hospitals and also Military hospitals.

The Teddy Bears make this display cute. 
 But it is a heart wrenching experiance to need one of these garments.  
They are given to comfort the families of sick babies.

A Tiny Bonnet made for a Baby in need.
We are a collection of Guilds across the country and have many other service projects.

We are SAGA.  And we love the art of Needle Work!

More coming about this Convention.   

I am involved in the education part of SAGA.
I am a Neelde Arts teacher  and I taught these arts at the Convention.

 It was alot of fun!

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2012 Jeannie Baumeister


  1. We are a collection of CHAPTERS across the country and Members-at-Large across the world! I had the pleasure of chatting with a members from the UK, Australia, and the Virgin Islands this year.
    I always find it so inspirational to meet with this group of talented and caring women (and a few men!).

  2. What a lovely description of SAGA. I feel blessed to be a member of such a wonderful group of women, and so lucky to have been able to take classes from teachers like you. Thank you!It was a wonderful convention!


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