Fine Heirloom Sewing, Smocking and Hand Embroidery

"Baby will be well and smiling in little garments made by Mother, Auntie, Grannie and loving friends!"

Please join me as I teach the old fashioned techniques and skills needed to sew baby clothes. You will find lessons that start at the very beginning and take you step by step as we sew little baby clothes together. May you find much joy and pleasure in making them.
It's easy and it's fun!!

Visit My Heirloom Sewing Webshop

Monday, September 9

Teaching For Saga

Rosebuds - A Collection of Bullion Flowers

I am busy getting ready for the Saga National Convention this month.
This is my Sunday morning Class.

Did I mention I won't be teaching at the Saga National Convention next year?
In fact I am not going anywhere to teach next year!

I am calling it my Year of Reflection
I want my life to be simpler. 


All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2020 Jeannie Baumeister


TerriSue said...

Good for you! With two such precious little ones near by stay close and enjoy watching them grow. My fifth grandchild and fourth granddaughter is turning three months today. The only thing that marred her birth was the passing of my dear husband of 38 years in January. It was so unexpected. He loved babies so much. He worked in the church nursery where he was known as the baby whisperer. To think that our sweet little Winnifred will never meet him this side of heaven is hard. I will be sure she knows him though. Enjoy those two sweet angels of yours!

TerriSue said...

Good for you! With two such precious little ones near by stay close and enjoy watching them grow. My fifth grandchild and fourth granddaughter is turning three months today. The only thing that marred her birth was the passing of my dear husband of 38 years in January. It was so unexpected. He loved babies so much. He worked in the church nursery where he was known as the baby whisperer. To think that our sweet little Winnifred will never meet him this side of heaven is hard. I will be sure she knows him though. Enjoy those two sweet angels of yours!

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