Follow Daygown View 2, Step 3 in the Priscilla Layette pattern instructions. Today we are going to attach the bias binding to the sleeve edge. It is attached in the same way the neck bias was attached in Lesson 6. We have already cut out our bias binding for the sleeve in a previous lesson.
Use a Straight Stitch Foot for more control and more accurate results.
Stitch the ends of the sleeve bias strip together (right sides together) in a 1/4" seam.
The bias on the left is pinned and ready to stitch. Bias on the right has been stitched.
Sleeve edge has gathering stitches along the edge, ready to gather.
Bias on the left is untrimmed, bias on the right is trimmed.
Press the seam allowance open, then trim off the part of the seam allowance that extends past the bias.
Seam allowance for sleeve is 1/4".
Pin bias binding to lower sleeve edge (right sides together - raw edges even), distributing the gathers evenly. Pin the seam of bias under the sleeve arm where it won't be noticed.
Stitch in a 1/4" seam with a short stitch length (2.0). Stitch again 1.8" away from the first stitching (toward raw edge of sleeve). This will give you a guide to keep the bias binding even.
Trim fabric just outside the second stitching line (toward the raw edge of sleeve).
Press bias binding away from sleeve.

Fold bias over seam allowance, turning under raw edge.
Slip stitch binding to sleeve the same as Lesson 6.
Remove basting (gathering) threads.
It always looks so easy when you watch someone else do it.
And you are going gangbusters with that camera!!!!!! Whoa nelly.
You should have a tv show on heirloom sewing. You are a very good teacher.
Thank you Julia. Funny that you should say that today. This morning I was talking to my son about doing an instructional DVD. The hand motions are so important to achieving your best stitch and you can't see those in a book. We'll see.
Would love dvd of you teaching
Would love dvd of you teaching
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