I have been busy getting ready for tomorrows Daygown Lesson!
I hope you are able to keep up.
The secret is to do a little stitching at a time, if you don't have an hour or two at one time to sew.
Rosebuds on the hem of a slip.
I have a friend who loves to sew.
She also has a time consuming and demanding job which leaves her little time to sew.

She told me she would embroider ONE Rosebud each day on her Baby Dress.
It gave her satisfaction that she was working toward completion.
If we think about ALL the Rosebuds that need stitching, we become overwhelmed. We put the dress away for another day. We are not happy and we accomplish nothing.
Sun shining on my Roses.
Life is like that too.
If we let all the things that are happening in our life and the lives around us overwhelm us, we are not happy and we accomplish nothing.

We can only live our life in the moment that is now.
That's how God planned it.
All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2010 Jeannie Baumeister
Miss Jeannie,
Would you share with us the number of wraps you use to make the two inside bullions and then the number of wraps you use for outside bullion to complete your BEATIFUL rosebuds?? Also it seems that you usually use the same floss color when making them...would you devulge the color numbers you use as well? Yours are ALWAYS perfect!! Mine look so uneven & misformed. Almost as if someone left them out in the hot sun and did not water them!! HELP!!
Beautiful!!! I need to post this all over my house.
I would have thought you were talking of me with the stressful job until you added the one rosebud a day quote.... I have a goal of finishing 2 of my OFB UFOs to enter for the fair. We shall see!
Robin, such a noble goal! And one that will make me proud!
Michelle, The wraps differ depending on what I am doing, which needle, thread, size, design. A good standard is 7 wraps for the inside and if only one wrap around the outside, probably 16 to 18 with a 9 Milliner needle. I use Anchor floss most of the time. I will have to do a post on the colors I use!!
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