Fine Heirloom Sewing, Smocking and Hand Embroidery

"Baby will be well and smiling in little garments made by Mother, Auntie, Grannie and loving friends!"

Please join me as I teach the old fashioned techniques and skills needed to sew baby clothes. You will find lessons that start at the very beginning and take you step by step as we sew little baby clothes together. May you find much joy and pleasure in making them.
It's easy and it's fun!!

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Thursday, April 21

Finest Embroidered Fabric

Fine White Swiss Batiste with Pink Eyelets.
Oops, I photographed the wrong side of this fabric.

This is the finest Swiss Batiste!  And the tiny embroidery and eyelets  sprinkled about  are beautiful (even if it is machine!).  I have many ideas about what to do with this fabric.  But I haven't done a one!!  Which one do I want to use??  There's my first roadblock.  

The pink is pretty!

My favorite color is blue.  AND I love anything blue and white!

This is the White you saw yesterday!

The white looks so pure, though.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2011 Jeannie Baumeister


Kellie said...

So beautiful... oh the possibilities!

Cynthia Gilbreth said...

I'm sure you'll come up with something just gorgeous! You always do.

Bunny said...

I have a gorgeous vintage piece just like this with yellow eyelets, one of my favorites. It's hard to cut into but I will find the right inspiration one day.

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