Fine Heirloom Sewing, Smocking and Hand Embroidery

"Baby will be well and smiling in little garments made by Mother, Auntie, Grannie and loving friends!"

Please join me as I teach the old fashioned techniques and skills needed to sew baby clothes. You will find lessons that start at the very beginning and take you step by step as we sew little baby clothes together. May you find much joy and pleasure in making them.
It's easy and it's fun!!

Visit My Heirloom Sewing Webshop

Friday, December 6

Mothers Blue Hanky

When last I visited my sister, she gave me Mothers blue Hanky.

something borrowed, something blue…

Something cherished.

All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2013 Jeannie Baumeister


MLM247 said...

Lovely. Actually the skill to make this would be far beyond most friends of any bride today. When I married I carried the handkerchief my mother had carried on her wedding day. Perhaps my daughter will do the same. The hanky waits, but has been used many times simply as a hanky.

Martha said...

So precious. And what a treasure.

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