The beautiful baby doll is wearing an OFB dress from Baby's Smocked Layette pattern. The Cute Spool Case and Childs Armoire will be recognized by many who also shopped at The Old Fashioned Baby when we had a "walk in" shop in Baton Rouge.
The Heirloom Creations Fine Sewing Shop is in Lafayette, Louisiana. It's one of those wonderful "go into and touch and feel" shops that we all want around the corner from us.
Heirloom Creations Fine Sewing Shop
& Sewing School of Acadiana,
431 Rena Drive, Lafayette, LA
See my cute little Old Fashioned Baby Patterns!!
I spy my "Jeannie B's Book of Embroidery Designs and Stitches" on the beautiful display case that used to be in my shop in Baton Rouge! You can see a bit of The Old Fashioned Baby shop in Heirloom Creations!
The beautiful antique display cases are filled with treasures.

Ladies are busy working and having fun!
Teaching classes is a big part of what Heirloom Creation does. That is the Sewing School of Acadiana part! Classes are important because we want to learn new techniques and perfect our skills. It's more fun when we know what were doing.Check out the heirloom fabrics
It's always nice to see garment examples hanging all around a shop!
A wall of colorful prints!
This was just a glimpse of the Heirloom Creations Fine Sewing Shop. To see more, you have to visit.
Support your local Shops!!
This looks like a delightful shop!! and I have looked down a couple of posts and the christening gown with all the lace and tucks... so perfect!! Really beautiful work!
That looks like such a warm and welcoming place to shop & learn! (Btw, I have a spool cabinet just like the one in the picture that brings a smile to my face every day.)
If only I wasn't so far from there!
Oh what a beautiful shop! I'm a little confused tho - do you no longer have a walk-in shop in Baton Rouge? I went to it several years ago and was in awe - it was the most beautiful heirloom sewing shop I had ever been in!
I closed my "walk in" shop last May. I will do a post on my shop! Be looking for it!!
Jeannie, I love this shop! :) My husband and I moved to Lafayette in Oct. 1987, had our first baby in Sept. 1988, which was the same year I learned to smock. This shop opened when my first was about 15 months old. I would go there and Ms. Betty (I've heard the shop has changed owners) would help me plan outfits for him - they also pleated my fabric as that was pre-pleater days for me. I soon purchased my own pleater from them and had two more smocking victims over the next 7 years. We moved away after living there 11 years and I still miss Heirloom Creations. Typing this out makes me realize I need to make a road trip and go visit that shop and soon...I also need to drop off a proof of insurance card to my college son nearby...all the more reason to go. Ha! Just thinking about opening their lace drawer gives me the willies! :)
Much of my childhood was spent in Lafayette and I would love to go back one day to visit. This shop would certainly be on my list of places to visit.
Gorgeous shop! I had one of those glass merchandise cabinets and in moving in the last few years, I had to give it away. I always dreamed of having a huge sewing room with it in it.
This is a nice shop. I was just there at Thanksgiving time. Thanks for featuring walk in shops.
How is it that I have been married to for 23 years, my in-laws live in Lafayette, and I have never visited this shop? Thank you for sharing Heirloom Creations with your readers. I will definatelly visit on my next trip to Lafayette!
Mandeville, LA
I went there recently and immediately recognized your display cases! Made me miss you :)
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