This is my sewing room, design room, order room, writting room. My room!
I call this room mayhem at the moment!
I fly to Norfolk tomorrow and this is what my life looks like right now as I throw things about, discarding what I won't need and piling up what I will need. Soon, I will shut the door on this room and turn my mind to other things. It will still be here but I won't think about it!

This is also my sewing room, design room ...etc. My room.
(well, not at this moment)
This is the world I like to see!
They are both the real world.
That is why Blogging is so much fun and so wonderful. You can highlight the lovely things in your life.
Like all of you, I have my troubles. But I have beauty and joy too.
I don't put my burnt scones on my blog. Or furniture that needs dusting. Why would I? I like the pretty things. The lovely part of life. I like to see yummy scones on pretty china. And fresh flowers in a vase. It is all real.
I choose to focus on the Good things in my life!
That's my world too!
This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
All Designs Are Copyright Protected copyright 2010 Jeannie Baumeister
Wishing you safe travels, much fun, and not too big of a mess when you return home!
So sad I won't be joining all of you in Norfolk. Can't wait for the reports!
Oh, Jeannie, I'm having a happy laugh. I love your blog and the beautiful photos of projects, graceful pots of tea, lovely plates of sweets, gorgeous linens, excellent pics of your step by step lessons. THEN I open to see that your sewing room looks much like mine, and I feel a warm, comfortable glow of, "It's OK," flowing through me!! LOL!!
Sooooo looking forward to your class this week. I LOVED your daygowns at the 1st Atlanta Convention.
Safe travels, Sally
Thanks for the reality check!!! I get so caught up in the hassles of life that I sometimes forget the good stuff!
I loved this entry. I showed your sewing room to my husband because it looked kind of familiar. Safe travels! Hallie
Love it!! Have a great time in Norfolk, hope to see you next year in Anaheim.
Have a wonderful time being surrounded by all that you love!!! I wish I could be there!!
Whiel I loe seeing your peaceful and serene sewing spots in your posts, this made me feel so much better! We all go through the crazy phase of a project and think we are the only one. Safe travels and I hope to join you one year.
I have to share a really funny story with everyone. About 15 yrs ago I was making tacos for a friend and myself. We buy our seasoning bulk and reuse the old containers. Any I don't measure the seasoning, I just dump a bunch in. Well, I did that and started mixing it up and thought it smelled really fun, like cinnamon. Then I looked at the container and sure enough, I had dumped cinnamon in the taco meat. I rinsed and rinsed the taco meat and then added the correct seasoning, but it still smelled like cinnamon. But thankfully didn't taste like cinnamon. And yes your couch is almost the same print as my duvet on my bed. Have a great time at convention and I'm saving my money to attend next year in Anaheim.
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