This is a class that I teach for SAGA. I am not teaching it this year though. It is all about Bonnets.
And today (Sunday, September 26) is my daughters Birthday.

Baby Shawna
She didn't miss a meal!! Good rich Mothers Milk! I was an Earth Mother. Child of the late 60's and 70's! I Loved Natural!! My kids didn't even know they gave out lollipops at the docters office!!
I made the blanket she is on while waiting for her to arrive. It's yellow, because, of course, I didn't know she would be a Girl!! That was before ultrasounds. I embroidered pretty little flowers and designs on soft flannel, then lined it and stitched gathered eyelet around the edges. I loved that blanket! We lost it somewhere in Arizona while driving home from California to visit my parents in Texas. We were off the beaten path to see a small Indian village where they still had a community oven. It was very interesting but there was much poverty which also made it sad. I liked to imagine that a mother found that blanket and used it for her own baby.
She is still just like this!!! Such a Priss!! And Cute!
This was taken when I was expecting her. I made my maternity set. I am playing with my son in the Yosemite river (inside Yosemite National Park) in California. Clear and Cold and Beautiful water. My long, long hair gives you a hint that it is the early 70's!

Bringing Baby home.
I certainly have a good grip on her! Never dropped a baby yet!

Wearing a little pink dress with an Eyelet apron that her Aunt Kathy made her.
She is all grown up now!
Her Birth announcement reads:
She's soft and cuddly
and couldn't be sweeter.
She's our baby daughter and
We'd like you to meet her.
I arrive home from SAGA tonight!
And get to sleep in my own bed. Yeah!!
(I hope I had fun!)
Thank you for sharing such sweet memories with us! Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Have a safe trip home, and enjoy sleeping in your own bed. Can't wait to hear more about the past week!
What a wonderful glimpse into your life, Jeannie! I ♥ seeing your long hair & also love the fact that you were making hand-embroidered items waaaay back then, even.
I sure wish I could have gone to SAGA this year. I planned on it last year & didn't make it then, either. Someday~~*sigh* I have so many friends who are there right now with you.
Safe travels home.
Oh how wonderful! I loved seeing these pictures of your darling daughter. My India's birthday is the 25th.
I hope you had fun at SAGA too. I plan to go next year!
Sweet, sweet post, Jeannie! Does your daughter sew too?
While I saw the pic of you with your daughter in class, I did not see the one in Yosemite. I do know that you had fun.. :)
Mom...thank you for the lovely tribute and memories!! You are the most wonderful mother anyone could evver hope to have in their life!!
Speaking of of my Junior League friends is having a baby girl in a week! Do you have any pleated bonnets I could smock?? :) Love you!!! sweet! Loved seeing your early photos :) Thanks for sharing.
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